The journey of Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy, started 45 years ago in Hrishikesh. Our Chief Priest Sri Narayanam Venkata Satyanarayana Charyulu, was working as priest in Sri Venkateshwara Temple in Hrishikesh. A Himalayan Saint asked him to take a dip into Ganges river and initiated him into Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha maha mantra, which he has been chanting since then. Inspite of many offers from various Temples in North America Sri Satyanarayana Charyulu choose to come to Memphis as a chief priest in 1995. In the same year Sri Vidyananda Swamy and Sri Paripoornananda Swamy of Vyasasram, Tirupathi, visited our Temple and suggested to perform yagnas to enhance the aura of the Temple.
Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Yagnam-2007
On Swamiji’s return visit in 1997 we performed N America’s first yagnam to Lord Sri Venkteswara (Sri Venkateswara Adbhuta Santi Maha Yagnam). Due to its out standing success we made yagnams as our annual events and have been performing yagnams since then. In 2007, inspired by Sri Karunamayi Vijayeswari Devi, yagnam to Lord Sri Narasimha Swamy was planned. Our Acharya in his meditation received message from Lord Sri Venkateswara that yagnam should be performed to Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha swamy. Agama pandits in Tirumala and Varanasi were consulted about the procedure, but no information was available. And we came to know that this yagnam was not performed by any one in the history of mankind. While on the way to Atlanta, Acharya was listening to Sri Samputita Sri Suktam rendered by Sri Karunamayi Mataji and went into a trance during which the entire procedure for the yagnam was revealed to him. Even though the yagnam was fast approaching, we did not have any picture of Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy. One day acharya received a line drawing of Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy from a devotee. We took this drawing to India and commissioned a religious artist in Madurai to paint the form of Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy based on this line drawing and dhyana sloka. Thus the most wonderful form of Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy emerged and this original painting is on display in our Temple.
The Yagnam was performed on a grand scale with 108 homa kunds and 120 priests from India, Europe and N America, under the aeges of Sri Karunamayi Vijayeswari Devi. Subsequently our Temple performed this yagnam at Tipparti, Nalgonda Dist. A.P. in 2010 and again in 2014 at Mangalagiri (which is one of the 9 holy places of Lord Sri Narasimha), and in Hyderabad in 2016. As we are planning for a pushkarini in our Temple, it was decided to install Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha swamy on the south side and Sri Vikhanasa, Atri, Kasyapa, Mareechi and Bhrugu Maharshi’s, on the north side of the pushkarini.
Narasimha Swamy Temple Prathista
Due to the abundant blessings of the Gurus and due to the grace of Lord Sri Narasimha, we were blessed with the opportunity to construct the world’s first Temple for Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy and North America’s first pushkarini and Sri Vikhanasa Maharshi Temple in Eads, Tennessee.
Temple Prathista is the time when deity is invited to come and dwell in the Temple. Only great merit awards the good fortune to participate in such an auspicious event.
Sri Ashtamukha Gandabheruda Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy has eight faces :
1. Hayagreeva – Denotes God of Knowledge and bestower of Gnana
2. Vyaghra – Denotes mejesty and Strength
3. Simha – Denotes Courage and Power
4. Gandabherunda – Denotes double headed Eagle for swiftness and invisibility
5. Bhalluka – Denotes service, intelligence and Physical strength
6. Garuda – Denotes Service, devotion, Panchaprana (Five winds) – Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana
7. Anjaneya – Denotes Knowledge, Devotion and Service
8. Varaha – Denotes Sacrifice and a bestower of Boons
Lord Narsimha Swamy is flanked by Sridevi and Bhudevi. This form of the lord was manifested to Prahallada in the previous Kalpa after killing Hiranyakasyapa. The reference can be found in Atharva Veda Rahasya and Paramardhika Bhashyam of Vaikhanasa Agama.
Narasimha Swamy Pooja Schedule
Narasimha swamy abhishekam will perfomed every month on Swathi Nakshatra, Please refer temple calendar to participate pooja and receive blessings from Lord Narasimha.
Pooja Booking Temple Services Contact Us
Vikhanasa Maharshi
Vikhanasa Maharshi is of Sri Mahavishnu who established the procedure of worship for Mahavishnu , which is come to known as Vaikhanasa Agama. He and his four disciples Arti, Kasypa, Mareechi and Bhrugu Maharshis wrote several scriptures on construction of Temples, worshiping procedures and conduction of various Utsavas for Vishnu.This is the tradition followed at Tirumala as well as in our Temple.In honor of these great Rishis we are establishing a temple for them for the first time in the United States.