12005 Hwy 64
Eads, TN 38028 USA

Welcome to India Cultural Center and Temple!

India Cultural Center and Temple (ICCT) officially born in 1982 to provide a place of worship and be the spiritual resource center for the community of Memphis and surrounding areas. To provide young members of the community with facilities for cultural activities, religious education and learning.

For more details about Temple history, please click here.

ICCT is OPEN to the public all days:
Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Weekends (Saturday & Sunday): 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Address: 12005 Highway 64, Eads, TN 38028; Phone: (901) 202 6070; Email: [email protected]

Annual Poshakas of the ICCT are crucial for the continued day to day operations of the temple. These contributions are utilized for the day-to-day temple maintenance & operations, priest and employee salaries, support temple events and spiritual engagements to enhance the overall experience of our visitors.

Please find the different levels of Poshaka sponsorships and the benefits for each level. Become a POSHAKA today and play your part in the advancement of Sanatana Dharma!.

Donation can be made in multiple installments. Please click the sponsorship links above to see payment options.

Dharma Poshaka Poshaka ($400 per annum)
Yuva Raja Poshaka ($1,000 per annum)
Raja Poshaka ($2,500 per annum)
Raja Raja Poshaka ($5,000 per annum)
Poshaka Chakravarthi ($10,000 per annum)


Annual Poshaka

Annual Poshaka branch provides an opportunity for our community to serve the needs in the form of monetary and material contributions. Annual poshaka term typically starts on 1st January of the calendar year and ends on 31st December of the...

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Priests services are available at the Temple, in your home, or your place of business. The prices shown are minimum suggested donations payable to ICCT. Priest Dakshina is not included. For services rendered at home: Devotee must provide necessary pooja...

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India Cultural Center and Temple offers a comprehensive path to learn Yoga with a well defined course structure where one can start from the basics and reach the level of a Yoga master with the help of our highly qualified...

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Kuja Dosham & Kalasarpa Dosham Nivarana

Remedy (Nivarana)

Performing Abhishekam, Ashta Nagadevatha puja, & Rahu-Ketu puja under the guidance of a qualified priest rectifies Kuja Dosham and Kalasarpa Dosham. A monthly schedule of Rahu-Ketu puja will be performed on every last week Sunday of every month. Devotees can conveniently participate in the prayers to alleviate the astrological maladies, and lead peaceful and healthy lives. Please consult with priests for more information.
Read More   Contact Priests    Temple Calendar    Temple Services

Company Certifications


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Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.


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Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque pena tibus et magnis dis parturient mon tes,nascetur.

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  • Yagnam – ICCT is performing —— Yagnam starting from —–. Read More


Upcoming Events

Kotilinga Kshetram

Featured Donations & Sponsorships

ICCT Gurukulam

Patanjali Yogalayam

Nada Yoga – Music (Flute) Academy

Natya Yoga – Dance (Kuchipudi) Academy

For additional details about the courses, contact us through email at [email protected]

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