Every Saturday after Suprabhatha Seva, Abhishekam is observed to Sri Venkateswara, the Main Deity of Temple. This happens to be the most popular Arjitha Seva that is being observed to Lord Sri Venkateswara.
The Abhishekam starts with water, then with Milk, then with Suddhodakam, Chandanam and other scented articles like powdered Pachcha Karpooram, Saffron paste and drops of civet oil etc.
While performing the Abhishekam to the Moola Virat, Purshasukta, Narayanasukta, Srisukta, Bhusuktha, Neelasuktha and Upanishad are all recited by the priests. Later, the Abhishekam is performed for the image of Goddess Lakshmi on his chest with Turmeric Paste.
Prior to Abhishekam, Priests and Sponsors who take part in this seva, are all assembled inside the temple and each one is entrusted with various Abhishekam dravyas and scented articles like powdered Pachcha Karpooram, Saffron paste, drops of civet oil, Chandanam and etc.,
All the Arjitha Sevaparas carry these articles round the inner prakara of the temple accompanied by Mangala Vayidyas and Vedic chanting by priests. When they reach the Mandap, the plates are collected by the Archakas and the contents will be used while performing Abhishekam to Lord Sri Venkateswara.
Abhishekam $251 sponsors can watch Lord Venkateswara’s Abhishekam by sitting inside the Arthamantapam (subject to availability of space). At the end of Abhishekam and pooja, sponsors will be recognized and Mahadaseervachanam will be given to the sponsor’s family.
- One-Saturday: $61
- One-Saturday (Arthamandapam seating): $251
- 13 Saturdays (3 months): $500
- 26 Saturdays (6 months): $800
- 52 Saturdays (12 months): $1500
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