12005 Hwy 64
Eads, TN 38028 USA

Guidelines during COVID-19 Period


In order to safeguard the devotees and the priests health during the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, we urge the community to strictly follow the guidelines specified below during Temple visit:

Guidelines for Temple visit:

  • Devotees should be free of Corona virus symptoms – cold, cough, fever, body aches. Each devotee will be screened for fever (temperature check) before entering the temple.
  • It is MANDATORY for everyone to wear a face mask fully covering their mouths and noses. Face masks should be worn during the entire time within the premises. ICCT may NOT be able to provide masks to the devotees.
  • Maintain appropriate social distance from others inside the temple.
  • Family members must stay together and move as one-unit.
  • Devotees can bring fruits if they wish to offer to the deities. These fruits will need to be washed and brought to the temple. Devotees also will need to wash their hands with soap and water or sanitize their hands before entering the temple.
  • Avoid standing and talking in groups outside the temple. Follow appropriate social distancing when interacting with others outside the temple.
  • Multi ceremonial pavilion and Narasimhaswamy temple will remain CLOSED to public during dharma darshan.

Guidelines for Personal Puja:

  • Only personal pooja’s / services will be allowed in the Yagnashala
  • Pooja / services to be pre-scheduled through online bookings at our website. Alternatively go to E-seva menu-> online pooja booking on our website. Proof of full vaccination to be submitted in advance and can be uploaded here.
  • To avoid the risk of virus spread, please pay for the service online from our website within 24 hours of receiving a confirmed schedule from us
  • Yajamani and family members performing pooja / service must be free of Covid-19 symptoms and should NOT have travelled to high-spread virus areas in the past two weeks
  • Devotees availing pooja / service MUST wear mask at all times within ICCT premises
  • Any pooja items brought by the devotees need to taken back along with them upon the completion of the personal service/pooja
  • Pooja / Service can also be scheduled via remote video conferencing using Zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp, Facetime etc if required.

Guidelines for Using Facility Rentals:

  • All attendees of the event should be free of Corona virus symptoms – cold, cough, fever, body aches. Each devotee will be screened for fever (temperature check) before entering the temple.
  • All attendees are recommended to follow personal prevention practices (such as handwashing, staying home when sick, maintaining 6 feet of distance, and wearing a cloth face covering) given by CDC. Click here for more information.
  • It is MANDATORY for everyone to wear a face mask fully covering their mouths and noses. Face masks should be worn during the entire time within the premises. ICCT will NOT provide any masks to the devotees.
  • Avoid standing and talking in groups inside & outside the facility. Follow appropriate social distancing when interacting with others inside & outside the facility.

Limitation of Liability:

  • In no event shall ICCT be liable or responsible to devotees, visitors, guests, event participants or any other personnel in the campus for: (i) any loss, damage or injury caused by, resulting from or in any way connected with the facility, its operation or its use; (ii) any potential exposure to the Coronavirus (COIVID-19)
  • In order to safeguard everyones’ health during the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, we urge the all visitors to strictly follow the guidelines specified above along with the guidance that is provided for by local, state, or federal agencies with CDC guidelines.
  • By hosting the event at the property and/or inviting a party to attend the event, the Customer must acknowledge that there is a possibility of exposure to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the customer must assume, any and all consequences that may result from such exposure, including but not limited to, physical injury, psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, temporary or permanent disability, death or economic loss.

For the safety and well-being of the community, WE REQUEST YOUR FULL SUPPORT AND CO-OPERATION DURING YOUR TEMPLE VISIT. Please note that further relaxation in the restrictions entirely depends upon your kind co-operation.

Quick Links:

Schedule Personal Service    |   Pay for Service   |   Priests Contact   |   COVID-19 guidelines

Faciloity Rentals   |   Make General Donation   |   Become A Dharma Poshaka   |   Contact US

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