Kalasarpa Dosham
One acquires Kalasarpa Dosham by encouraging or participating in killing or hurting snakes or destroying their homes (anthills) unnecessarily. It can also haunt the family for generations, if one’s ancestors committed the above acts. Also, if at the time of birth, all other planets are in between Rahu & Kethu, the Shraddha karmas are not done by the heirs, cremation is not done within 3 days of death, or final rites are performed by persons other than the heirs, this dosham will haunt the family tree. This results in: infertility, abortions, stillbirths, infant mortality, birth defects, serious illness, mental retardation, impotence, marital disharmony, divorce, premature death of spouse, serious illnesses like AIDS and TB, deafness, middle-ear infections, recurrent accidents and surgeries, heavy business losses, heavy debts leading to bankruptcy.